Photo by Shane Karns
Like many before me, I moved to Los Angeles to pursue a particular set of dreams.
Then, I saw the smog and the crowded freeways and the higher gas prices and the pay-by-the-week Hollywood hotel room that would become my first home. I was disappointed, but also determined. I had $450.00 cash in my backpack and an endless supply of enthusiasm that, I was certain, would ensure my success.
Then, I saw The Getty and the Santa Monica Pier and Tim Curry at Trader Joe’s. I saw the mountains and avocado trees and chamomile tea as an option on restaurant menus. I saw the ocean and how my auburn curls crinkled up after bodyboarding at dawn. I saw my freckles, and my friends, grow ... and grow.
And, then, I fell in love.
My love reconfigured my notion of success and rearranged my priorities accordingly. My love helped me dream a different dream, one that is still constantly evolving and full of adventure. My love taught me that enthusiasm, in-and-of-itself, is an achievement, particularly when expressed in the face of (academic, business, financial, relationship and/or name your) failure.
My love is the city of Los Angeles, my home. This blog is devoted to all that I have learned, and learned to love, while living in L.A. I’ll often focus on the topics of business and health, two areas in which I have both succeeded and failed, and on writing itself. And I'll probably write about animals and coffee and dancing ...