True Detective

Hello by Mitch Jacobson

It’s been a sad, fearful and overwhelming weekend for everyone around the world as the news of innocent lives lost filled our various media feeds. It got slightly crappier when the contention over which humans deserve more or better or first-in-line coverage crawled its way across our screens and into our collective consciousness. But I’d like to note that we should all also be considering those lives on which we have a direct impact, including our own, for they, and we, might also be lost tomorrow.

There is no time like the present to say what you've been meaning to say, to make the move that makes things right, to change the course of your history.

Don’t “I’m-tired-I’ll-do-it-tomorrow/it’s-too-late-it’s-not-going-to-matter/OK-maybe-after-this-episode-of-True Detective/but-what-if/blah-blah-blah” the hell out of it. Someone needs to hear from you, so pick up the phone. Right now, pick up the fucking phone. (Yes, WhatsApp counts.)

You have less time than you think.

The other, non-Adele/less depressing, “Hello” song VS Monday Morning: